Source code for

# This file is part of nvitop, the interactive NVIDIA-GPU process viewer.
# Copyright 2021-2023 Xuehai Pan. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""CUDA visible devices selection tool.

Command line usage:

.. code-block:: bash

    # All devices but sorted
    nvisel       # or use `python3 -m`

    # A simple example to select 4 devices
    nvisel -n 4  # or use `python3 -m -n 4`

    # Select available devices that satisfy the given constraints
    nvisel --min-count 2 --max-count 3 --min-free-memory 5GiB --max-gpu-utilization 60

    # Set `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` environment variable using `nvisel`
    export CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER="PCI_BUS_ID" CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="$(nvisel -c 1 -f 10GiB)"

    # Use UUID strings in `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` environment variable
    export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="$(nvisel -O uuid -c 2 -f 5000M)"

    # Pipe output to other shell utilities
    nvisel -0 -O uuid -c 2 -f 4GiB | xargs -0 -I {} nvidia-smi --id={} --query-gpu=index, --format=csv

    # Normalize the `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` environment variable (e.g. convert UUIDs to indices or get full UUIDs for an abbreviated form)
    nvisel -i -S

Python API:

.. code-block:: python

    # Put this at the top of the Python script
    import os
    from nvitop import select_devices

    os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = ','.join(
        select_devices(format='uuid', min_count=4, min_free_memory='8GiB')
"""  # pylint: disable=line-too-long

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import getpass
import math
import os
import sys
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Iterable, Sequence, overload

from nvitop.api import Device, GpuProcess, Snapshot, colored, human2bytes, libnvml
from nvitop.version import __version__

    from typing_extensions import Literal  # Python 3.8+

__all__ = ['select_devices']

    USERNAME = getpass.getuser()
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    USERNAME = os.getlogin()

TTY = sys.stdout.isatty()

def select_devices(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    devices: Iterable[Device] | None,
    format: Literal['index'],  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    force_index: bool,
    min_count: int,
    max_count: int | None,
    min_free_memory: int | str | None,
    min_total_memory: int | str | None,
    max_gpu_utilization: int | None,
    max_memory_utilization: int | None,
    tolerance: int,
    free_accounts: list[str] | None,
    sort: bool,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> list[int] | list[tuple[int, int]]:

def select_devices(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    devices: Iterable[Device] | None,
    format: Literal['uuid'],  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    force_index: bool,
    min_count: int,
    max_count: int | None,
    min_free_memory: int | str | None,
    min_total_memory: int | str | None,
    max_gpu_utilization: int | None,
    max_memory_utilization: int | None,
    tolerance: int,
    free_accounts: list[str] | None,
    sort: bool,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> list[int] | list[tuple[int, int]]:

def select_devices(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    devices: Iterable[Device] | None,
    format: Literal['device'],  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
    force_index: bool,
    min_count: int,
    max_count: int | None,
    min_free_memory: int | str | None,
    min_total_memory: int | str | None,
    max_gpu_utilization: int | None,
    max_memory_utilization: int | None,
    tolerance: int,
    free_accounts: list[str] | None,
    sort: bool,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> list[Device]:

[docs]def select_devices( # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements,too-many-locals,unused-argument,too-many-arguments devices: Iterable[Device] | None = None, *, format: Literal['index', 'uuid', 'device'] = 'index', # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin force_index: bool = False, min_count: int = 0, max_count: int | None = None, min_free_memory: int | str | None = None, # in bytes or human readable min_total_memory: int | str | None = None, # in bytes or human readable max_gpu_utilization: int | None = None, # in percentage max_memory_utilization: int | None = None, # in percentage tolerance: int = 0, # in percentage free_accounts: list[str] | None = None, sort: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> list[int] | list[tuple[int, int]] | list[str] | list[Device]: """Select a subset of devices satisfying the specified criteria. Note: The *min count* constraint may not be satisfied if the no enough devices are available. This constraint is only enforced when there are both MIG and non-MIG devices present. Examples: Put the following lines to the top of your script: .. code-block:: python import os from nvitop import select_devices os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = ','.join( select_devices(format='uuid', min_count=4, min_free_memory='8GiB') ) Args: devices (Iterable[Device]): The device superset to select from. If not specified, use all devices as the superset. format (str): The format of the output. One of :const:`'index'`, :const:`'uuid'`, or :const:`'device'`. If gets any MIG device with format :const:`'index'` set, falls back to the :const:`'uuid'` format. force_index (bool): If :data:`True`, always use the device index as the output format when gets any MIG device. min_count (int): The minimum number of devices to select. max_count (Optional[int]): The maximum number of devices to select. min_free_memory (Optional[Union[int, str]]): The minimum free memory (an :class:`int` *in bytes* or a :class:`str` in human readable form) of the selected devices. min_total_memory (Optional[Union[int, str]]): The minimum total memory (an :class:`int` *in bytes* or a :class:`str` in human readable form) of the selected devices. max_gpu_utilization (Optional[int]): The maximum GPU utilization rate (*in percentage*) of the selected devices. max_memory_utilization (Optional[int]): The maximum memory bandwidth utilization rate (*in percentage*) of the selected devices. tolerance (int): The tolerance rate (*in percentage*) to loose the constraints. free_accounts (List[str]): A list of accounts whose used GPU memory needs be considered as free memory. sort (bool): If :data:`True`, sort the selected devices by memory usage and GPU utilization. Returns: A list of the device identifiers. """ assert format in ('index', 'uuid', 'device') assert tolerance >= 0 tolerance = tolerance / 100.0 if max_count is not None: if max_count == 0: return [] assert max_count >= min_count >= 0 free_accounts = set(free_accounts or []) if devices is None: devices = Device.all() if isinstance(min_free_memory, str): min_free_memory = human2bytes(min_free_memory) if isinstance(min_total_memory, str): min_total_memory = human2bytes(min_total_memory) available_devices: list[Snapshot] = [] for device in devices: available_devices.extend(dev.as_snapshot() for dev in device.to_leaf_devices()) for device in available_devices: device.loosen_constraints = 0 # type: ignore[attr-defined] if len(free_accounts) > 0: with GpuProcess.failsafe(): for device in available_devices: as_free_memory = 0 for process in device.real.processes().values(): if process.username() in free_accounts: as_free_memory += process.gpu_memory() device.memory_free += as_free_memory # type: ignore[attr-defined] device.memory_used -= as_free_memory # type: ignore[attr-defined] def filter_func( criteria: Callable[[Snapshot], bool], original_criteria: Callable[[Snapshot], bool], ) -> Callable[[Snapshot], bool]: def wrapped(device: Snapshot) -> bool: device.loosen_constraints += int(not original_criteria(device)) # type: ignore[attr-defined] return criteria(device) return wrapped if min_free_memory is not None: loosen_min_free_memory = min_free_memory * (1.0 - tolerance) available_devices = filter( # type: ignore[assignment] filter_func( lambda device: device.memory_free >= loosen_min_free_memory, lambda device: device.memory_free >= min_free_memory, ), available_devices, ) if min_total_memory is not None: loosen_min_total_memory = min_total_memory * (1.0 - tolerance) available_devices = filter( # type: ignore[assignment] filter_func( lambda device: device.memory_total >= loosen_min_total_memory, lambda device: device.memory_total >= min_total_memory, ), available_devices, ) if max_gpu_utilization is not None: loosen_max_gpu_utilization = max_gpu_utilization + 100.0 * tolerance available_devices = filter( # type: ignore[assignment] filter_func( lambda device: device.gpu_utilization <= loosen_max_gpu_utilization, lambda device: device.gpu_utilization <= max_gpu_utilization, ), available_devices, ) if max_memory_utilization is not None: loosen_max_memory_utilization = max_memory_utilization + 100.0 * tolerance available_devices = filter( # type: ignore[assignment] filter_func( lambda device: device.memory_utilization <= loosen_max_memory_utilization, lambda device: device.memory_utilization <= max_memory_utilization, ), available_devices, ) available_devices = list(available_devices) if sort: available_devices.sort( key=lambda device: ( device.loosen_constraints, (not math.isnan(device.memory_free), -device.memory_free), # descending (not math.isnan(device.memory_used), -device.memory_used), # descending (not math.isnan(device.gpu_utilization), device.gpu_utilization), # ascending (not math.isnan(device.memory_utilization), device.memory_utilization), # ascending -device.physical_index, # descending to keep <GPU 0> free ), ) if any(device.is_mig_device for device in available_devices): # found MIG devices! non_mig_devices = [device for device in available_devices if not device.is_mig_device] mig_devices = [device for device in available_devices if device.is_mig_device] if len(non_mig_devices) >= min_count > 0 or not available_devices[0].is_mig_device: available_devices = non_mig_devices else: available_devices = mig_devices[:1] # at most one MIG device is visible if format == 'index' and not force_index: format = 'uuid' available_devices = available_devices[:max_count] if format == 'device': return [device.real for device in available_devices] if format == 'uuid': return [device.uuid for device in available_devices] return [device.index for device in available_devices]
# pylint: disable-next=too-many-branches,too-many-statements def parse_arguments() -> argparse.Namespace: """Parse command-line arguments for ``nvisel``.""" def non_negint(argstring: str) -> int: num = int(argstring) if num < 0: raise ValueError return num non_negint.__name__ = 'non-negative integer' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='nvisel', description='CUDA visible devices selection tool.', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter, add_help=False, ) parser.add_argument( '--help', '-h', dest='help', action='help', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='Show this help message and exit.', ) parser.add_argument( '--version', '-V', dest='version', action='version', version=f'%(prog)s {__version__}', help="Show %(prog)s's version number and exit.", ) constraints = parser.add_argument_group('constraints') constraints.add_argument( '--inherit', '-i', dest='inherit', type=str, default=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs='?', metavar='CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES', help=( 'Inherit the given `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES`. If the argument is omitted, use the\n' 'value from the environment. This means selecting a subset of the currently\n' 'CUDA-visible devices.' ), ) constraints.add_argument( '--account-as-free', dest='free_accounts', nargs='*', metavar='USERNAME', help=( 'Account the used GPU memory of the given users as free memory.\n' 'If this option is specified but without argument, `$USER` will be used.' ), ) constraints.add_argument( '--min-count', '-c', dest='min_count', type=non_negint, default=0, metavar='N', help=( 'Minimum number of devices to select. (default: %(default)d)\n' 'The tool will fail (exit non-zero) if the requested resource is not available.' ), ) constraints.add_argument( '--max-count', '-C', dest='max_count', type=non_negint, default=None, metavar='N', help='Maximum number of devices to select. (default: all devices)', ) constraints.add_argument( '--count', '-n', dest='count', type=non_negint, metavar='N', help='Overriding both `--min-count N` and `--max-count N`.', ) constraints.add_argument( '--min-free-memory', '-f', dest='min_free_memory', type=human2bytes, default=None, metavar='SIZE', help=( 'Minimum free memory of devices to select. (example value: 4GiB)\n' 'If this constraint is given, check against all devices.' ), ) constraints.add_argument( '--min-total-memory', '-t', dest='min_total_memory', type=human2bytes, default=None, metavar='SIZE', help=( 'Minimum total memory of devices to select. (example value: 10GiB)\n' 'If this constraint is given, check against all devices.' ), ) constraints.add_argument( '--max-gpu-utilization', '-G', dest='max_gpu_utilization', type=non_negint, default=None, metavar='RATE', help=( 'Maximum GPU utilization rate of devices to select. (example value: 30)\n' 'If this constraint is given, check against all devices.' ), ) constraints.add_argument( '--max-memory-utilization', '-M', dest='max_memory_utilization', type=non_negint, default=None, metavar='RATE', help=( 'Maximum memory bandwidth utilization rate of devices to select. (example value: 50)\n' 'If this constraint is given, check against all devices.' ), ) constraints.add_argument( '--tolerance', '--tol', dest='tolerance', type=non_negint, default=10, metavar='TOL', help=( 'The constraints tolerance (in percentage). (default: 0, i.e., strict)\n' 'This option can loose the constraints if the requested resource is not available.\n' 'For example, set `--tolerance=20` will accept a device with only 4GiB of free\n' 'memory when set `--min-free-memory=5GiB`.' ), ) formatter = parser.add_argument_group('formatting') formatter.add_argument( '--format', '-O', dest='format', type=str, choices=('index', 'uuid'), default='index', metavar='FORMAT', help=( 'The output format of the selected device identifiers. (default: %(default)s)\n' 'If any MIG device found, the output format will be fallback to `uuid`.' ), ) separator = formatter.add_mutually_exclusive_group() separator.add_argument( '--sep', '--separator', '-s', dest='sep', type=str, default=',', metavar='SEP', help='Separator for the output. (default: %(default)r)', ) separator.add_argument( '--newline', dest='newline', action='store_true', help=r"Use newline character as separator for the output, equivalent to `--sep=$'\n'`.", ) separator.add_argument( '--null', '-0', dest='null', action='store_true', help=( "Use null character ('\\x00') as separator for the output. This option corresponds\n" 'to the `-0` option of `xargs`.' ), ) formatter.add_argument( '--no-sort', '-S', dest='sort', action='store_false', help='Do not sort the device by memory usage and GPU utilization.', ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.count is not None: args.min_count = args.max_count = args.count if args.max_count is not None and args.max_count < args.min_count: raise RuntimeError('Max count must be no less than min count.') if args.newline: args.sep = '\n' elif args.null: args.sep = '\0' if args.free_accounts is not None and len(args.free_accounts) == 0: args.free_accounts.append(USERNAME) return args def main() -> int: """Main function for ``nvisel`` CLI.""" args = parse_arguments() devices: Sequence[Device] try: if hasattr(args, 'inherit'): if args.inherit is not None: os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = args.inherit devices = Device.from_cuda_visible_devices() else: devices = Device.all() except libnvml.NVMLError_LibraryNotFound: return 1 except libnvml.NVMLError as ex: print( '{} {}'.format(colored('NVML ERROR:', color='red', attrs=('bold',)), ex), file=sys.stderr, ) return 2 except RuntimeError as ex: print( '{} {}'.format( colored('CUDA ERROR:', color='red', attrs=('bold',)), str(ex).replace('CUDA Error: ', ''), ), file=sys.stderr, ) return 3 identifiers = select_devices(devices, **vars(args)) identifiers = list(map(str, identifiers)) result = args.sep.join(identifiers) if not TTY: print('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="{}"'.format(','.join(identifiers)), file=sys.stderr) retval = 0 if len(identifiers) < args.min_count: warnings.warn('Not enough devices found.', RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=1) retval = 4 if args.sep == '\0': print(result, end='\0') else: print(result) return retval if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())